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  • Mengendalikan pikiran bukan sekedar tentang bagaimana untuk tidak selalu berpikir negatif aja, tapi lebih kepada bagaimana manusia bisa mengatur pikiran sehingga dapat mempengaruhi perilaku ke arah yang lebih baik. Sebagai contoh, ketika seseorang ingin merubah kebiasaan buruk merokok. Hal yang bisa dilakukan di awal adalah mengendalikan pikiran dan memberi perintah kepada diri sendiri untuk tidak…

  • If even more of 7 hours of sleep doesn’t make you feel well rested, your sleep quality needs some work. For better sleep, scroll down and follow these tips.   Get more sunlight A restful night is built up in the morning. Natural sunlight exposure helps to regulate your circadian rhythm – which is the…

  • Instead of thinking life insurance is only for final expenses,   try researching all of its potential benefits, including living benefits.   From paying bills and the mortgage or rent, to funds for college and retirement, life insurance is for so much more than a funeral. And many don’t know that life insurance can come…

  •   Focus on sustainability Sustainability is a key issue not only for Mother Earth, but also for your weight loss journey. Try to build long-term habits to get long-lasting results. Adopt a sustainable and healthy diet and exercise routines you enjoy doing in the long term rather than trying to achieve rapid changes. Losing weight…

  • Insurance is a contract between an individual or business and an insurance company that provides financial protection against potential losses or risks. You need insurance to safeguard yourself, your loved ones, or your assets from unexpected events that could result in financial hardship.

  • Saat pemegang polis tutup usia, asuransi jiwa adalah instrumen yang paling mudah cair dan tanpa biaya dibandingkan dengan aset rekening bank dan properti. Rekening akan dibekukan hingga proses waris selesai. Sedangkan properti, besar biaya BPHTB adalah 5% dari harga beli dikurangi Nilai Jual Objek Pajak Tidak Kena Pajak (NJOPTKP)

  • Hello! Bonjour! I’m back. Bismillaah Ayuvanda just posted for the first time in a whileeeee! 😁😝😇 ps: masiiii berantakaann😅😅

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