One day you will finally realize that what you have been trying to live as a person is not who you really is meant to be.
You will feel sorry for your eyes, for all the sleepless nights you have given them; and for all the things you have never allowed them to see.
For your hands, for all the things that you have held on but never hold on in return; and for the things you have thrown away that were worth to keep.
For your mind, for all the headaches you have given reminiscing the past that would not come again; and trying to avoid the things that are coming for the fear that it would not be worth as before.
And for your heart, for all the pain you have given loving people who could not feel it; and for the love that you have not given to yourself.
One day, you will realize that the love you are chasing like forever is really in front of the mirror. Watching you, smiling for the first time, waiting for your love.
~a letter for me
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